AHBA Herding Trials - Morriston, FL - Oct 2020
Special Photo-Feature

Halloween 2020 saw more than witches and ghosts as herding dogs across the region converged on central Florida for a great weekend of herding trials at Black Birch farm in Morriston, FL.
Sheep and Ducks gave the pups of both big and small some challenges as they were rounded up and set through a series of challenges for beginners to seasoned veterans of the sports.
AHBA trials always include a wide variety of breeds as the competition is designed to be very flexible and more contained than some of the wide-open field trials offered in other circuits. This weekend provided a great opportunity for all those interested in learning more and first trail for some of the fresh new faces in our Florida Herding community. Please make donations via: https://www.badazzdogz.net/donate OR Directly to PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/badazzdogz
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Bad Azz Dogz By Dogz 4 Dogz
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Photo-Journal of Hero Dogz
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