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Hang Eight Dooderz

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Carlin Park in Jupiter Florida was over-run with Bad Azz Surf Dogz, and oh! Jack Hannah too.

Nov 25th 2018

Carlin Park Beach, Jupiter Florida | Host: Furry Friends Animal Clinic & Ranch

4th Annual Surf Dog Classic

We arrived at the truly beautiful Jupiter, Florida Beaches early morning to see over three thousand spectators crowding the ever-shrinking beach as the high tide pushed in. They were all there to see this year’s annual Surf Dogs ripping some waves. Waves, Sun, and Beach were all there, so it was time for the Bad Azz Surf Dogz and they came ready to go. In fact, more than one were more adept at riding the boards than their bi-peds. Maybe the extra two feet helped?

Surfing for a cause

Furry Friends Adoption Clinic and Ranch host and organizer for the many events and vendors, and the profits from the event go to support the animals in care of The Humane Society of Greater Jupiter/Tequesta. Notably a “No Kill Shelter”

Not just wingin’ it

The teams were judged on style and skill just like any professional surf contest from New Jersey to Indonesia. The judges watched intently (well as intent as surfers get) and the crowd was kept excited, informed and entertained by Ocean Magic Surf Shop owner Don French. Don has been both MC and loyal sponsor of the event every year and truly does a fantastic job. See for yourselves.

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More than kowa-bunga dogzAs if the Surfing Pups were not enough?

Visitors could browse the Florida Surf Museum and visit the numerous dog friendly vendors, a bar & restaurant, steel drums and games.

The walkways stay bustling with smiling dogs and humans throughout the day as the Furry Friends volunteers happily manned their very busy tent as donators lined up to show their appreciation for this unique event and support for the many pups in need. The final climax of the day at the beach would not be complete without a bikini contest, and appropriately for the 3rd Annual Surf Dog, it was a Doggy Bikini Contest.

Santa and the K-9 Patrol

In the spirit of the season, Santa was present for pictures in his beach wonderland and surf shorts. Additionally, The local Jupiter Police K9 department are proud of their furry officers and wowed the crowd with an exhibition that showed the discipline and fierce response any criminals will face should they cross paths with these local K-9 heroes.

Jack Hanna; Friend of all dogs & all animals A crowd quickly descended on an American favorite as Jack Hannah appeared in his trademark hat to show his support. Jack and his wife Suzy have been married fifty years and lived in Jupiter for the last 25. He is deeply committed to the welfare of our dogs.

We spoke to Jack briefly as the excited fans crowded around. His passion for animals has not dulled in his many years sharing his adventures with audiences of the largest wildlife preserves, rescues and on national television.

Growing up with a family veterinary hospital and then working in zoo’s all his life led to his appearance on Good Morning America show in 1983 followed by becoming a regular guest on late night shows, news and entertainment television. From there Jack’s obvious and sincere love of the animal kingdom has been an inspiration to thousands to follow his path in the welfare and care of all creatures, great and small.

Though the families Labrador Tasha took a break this day from the hot beach, Jack himself was full of life as he told us of his recent work with the rescue, rehabilitation and successful release of two Manatees back into the Florida waters. With decades of entertainment and education, Jack Hanna remains an icon and mentor to all who share his passion. And the winner is? As with all casual and fun events we have around Florida for our dogs, everyone was a winner today, but those brave dogs that tackled the surf there were trophies too. Separated by sizes, teams were awarded at the main stage to mass applause and laughter as the dogs (for the most part) did not see what the big deal was about something they do most any day.

More than money

It is a huge event as these shows go, and accompanied by huge expenditures. Though funds are raised for the shelter’s pup’s the overwhelming good will and awareness it brings to thousands is the real reward and ensures that those dogs are not forgotten any time soon in our short attention span modern world. Over 1,300 animals pass through the Furry Friends Animal Clinic and Ranch.

This is a small portion of the many thousands that are surrendered yearly in our S.E. region of the USA alone. Karen Counts of the shelter told us that they only expect that number to grow in the year to come. It is critical that people think before taking a dog into their home. These are creatures who will depend on their bi-ped totally for their lives. From the first day to the last and every single one of those days. It is an encouraging reminder that the Furry Friends are a no kill shelter, but that means a great burden and all Florida’s shelters need your help… today.

Wrapping up

This yearly Surf Dog event continues to grow by large numbers yearly. It is both imaginative and the only event of its kind in Florida. However, Jupiter is not the only beach in Florida with consistent surf and we hope to see the example set by the Furry Friends duplicated in more locations in the year to come. After-all, you can never get enough of the surfing dogs. An active dog home is a forever dog home!

We look forward to the next year and hope everyone thinks of those dogs in shelters who could not be there and would love to show some unconditional love this holiday season. With ever growing activities like this one around the state, the reason’s not to get out with your own dog are very few and we hope to see you at the next Bad Azz Dog event!

Bad Azz Dogz is committed to connecting all dog families with activities they can share together. From a “Yappy Hour” at your watering hole events, to clubs, parks and beaches to national competitive leagues and sports.

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Furry Friends Adoption Clinic and Ranch

Ocean Magic Surf Shop

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