OcalaDockDiving.com 2019 Independence Day Dock Diving in Florida
Special Photo-Feature
The independent spirit was flying high at the Dogwalker Ranch in Ocala, Florida for the 2019 OcalaDockDiving.com Independence Day Summer Splash. Dozens of dogs from around the region came to catch some air on the way to cooling off in the forty foot pool. Look for more on this event and the Wheelchair accessible dock at the Dogwalker Ranch in our coming feature on www.badazzdogz.net
** Photo-Features **
OcalaDockDiving.com Independence Day Splash 2019
Bad Azz Dogz is Donation Based
Please support our mission to see both dogs and people have fuller lives.
Saturday 6th July 2019 Morning
Saturday 6th July 2019 Afternoon
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More Information:
More Florida Dock Diving Ultimate Air Dogs at the Florida West Coast Air Dogs North American Dock Diving at Ocala Dog Ranch
Bad Azz Dogz By Dogz 4 Dogz
entertain, educate and encourage
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OcalaDockDiving.com On Facebook Dock Diving Group on Facebook Dogwalker Ranch
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You can keep us going and growing for Florida's Bad Azz Pups from Litter to an active and loving life. This page is created and managed by a disabled vet and needs donations to continue and to help Bristol, and other dogs in need.
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