4th Annual Jupiter Surf Dogs Photo-Feature
Nov 25th 2018 Carlin Park Beach, Jupiter Florida
Happenings & Events
The yearly Surf Dogs event and fundraiser this year in Jupiter Florida drew massive crowds to a beautiful day at Carlin Park Beach.
Thanks to all for a Rad Azz Day!
Der' iz mo' to come on this including a full event featurette soon!
Come see the FULL GALLERY here: https://www.4th-surfdog-jupiter.badazzdogz.net/
More Information:
Looking for events? Come Like our Page on Facebook for constant updates from our C. Central Florida Dog Event calendar. Get more news, updates and Bad Azz Dogz...
Dachshund Adoption Rescue & Education (DARE) www.daretorescue.org
Sun & Fun www.FlySNF.org
For the latest events (or to add yours to our calendar) Follow us on FaceBook and watch our @Bad Azz Dogz event page.
Come join the Bad Azz Pack!
We complete rely on you. Donations help all the Bad Azz Dogz and keep us going. Help us to help them and Join the Pack!
Subscribers get special access and rewards will expand as we grow.
REMEMBER:Bad Azz Dogz is donation based to help all dogs and needs you to continue. You can keep us going and growing for Florida's Bad Azz Pups from Litter to an active and loving life.
This page is created and managed by a disabled vet and needs donations to continue and to help Bristol, and other dogs in need.
For Bristol, for all Dogz and for Yourself.
Bristol's Story https://www.gofundme.com/badazzdogz